Thursday, September 22, 2011

getting ready to meet the curator for the Portland Museum as well as get loaded up to teach a workshop for K-12 Art teachers in Cody, Wyoming. I' m looking forward to it all but really am itching to get into the studio now that the semester has gotten underway. Too many ideas too little time! Will add some new pictures next week when I return! I have to get ready for two shows coming up and a move to new art facilities!! Pictures of that can be found on

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So new work- it was hard to take a picture of because it is not cured yet, but there are small figures hanging off of some of the seeds. The resin is taking longer to cure here- I guess there is way more humidity in the air than in Laramie- which is unfortunate and a bit stressful but hopefully all will be done by Saturday on my departure. I cant believe 4 weeks have gone by already!!
By far the prettiest mean from Angie. Tomatilla(sp?) pork with a spring salad, cornbread, and corn with dill cilantro and butter.
I dream about that corn!!
This is by far the best part of my day here at Jentel. All until Angie and I heard a large plop and splash and realized a snake had fallen off the nearby bridge and was headed our way. luckily he headed off into the bushes before getting to us, but I did manage to get up on my chair with the quickness to avoid him/her. Excitement!!
Dave is from New York yet looks so at home on this ram...

Friday, August 5, 2011

I am really excited about this piece. the poppies will have architectural elements but I am still making those parts. Time- can anyone ship me some more time? Ill pay for it :) If you have seeds too- send them my way- love getting them from around the country.
I realized I have put work up in awhile but its because I have been working on molds and fighting a bit with having less dryness than in Laramie to help me gets these guys dry so I can de-mold. It is going slow but progress can be seen regardless.
I am collecting more and more seeds everyday for future works. Its great to have time to think allowing the ideas to keep flowing now its just a matter of making time once I am back to civilization!! Im excited by what is happening and the opportunities that keep coming my way based on this work.
So it was my turn to cook and so because we were watching Big Lebowski last night and he is always in his robe and slippers I made us breakfast for dinner. Garlic and rosemary fingerling potatoes, poached eggs with a tarragon bearnaise, cayenne and brown sugar bacon, and banana gluten free pancakes with a chantilly almond cream and blackberries. It was delicious and pretty to boot. Will definitely have this again!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Though a misprint in the date..way to go editors, this happened yesterday and was great to do because we all got to hear what each of us does. A good crowd of locals came out for it and we met some great Sheridan artists.

okay a little silly but it cant be all work work work....

so we had several skillet dishes so far- lauren's very spicy drunken noodles, and I made a ginger garlic shrimp with kale dish for us for lunch. yummy... Tonight is breakfast for dinner night with my mother in laws yum brown sugar bacon and banana pancakes with almond chantilly cream. Its Big Lebowski night and I figured since Jeff bridges is in his robe and slippers the whole movie..breakfast would be good for my night.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Charles and Kristina surprised me while visiting Jentel for future residency possibilities. After 7 years- too long but so good to see them! What a small world we live in. Unfortunately I had a migraine on this day but they definitely made my day better!!
So here is Lauren (Baltimore) and Dave (New York) as we spent time at "The Mint" while Dave and I were on a date in Sheridan. When I returned on Sunday this was the meal Dave fixed for the group on his dinner duty night-amazing!! Each night we take urns, and so far they are all a tough act to follow!

Eli looking sharp next to a Sheridan bull sculpture.

Im revived after family time..a wonderful mark of the half way point of my time here.
It was a good time with my boys and will be an even better reunion when I return home.

Friday, July 29, 2011

So lovely- right?! This place is beautiful and so quiet. walked yesterday and just spent time smelling the air around me. It was our going to town for groceries day and then came home for another dip in the creek and made dinner for my resident mates. Tuscan sausage pasta with salad and garlic bread and chili dark chocolate for dessert. My hubby and son come today from Laramie and I cant wait to hug their necks! Play date in Sheridan this weekend and back on Sunday.

I love that everyone that works here has a pup that follows them around. What a good life! This is Josie and she found me while I was dipping my toes in the creek early this morning. She is corgy/border collie which should tell you a lot about her personality! :)
she is all about a task and is dead set on follow through ( stick or ball throwing) but can also appreciate a cool dip. My kind of girl!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shellac is on- architectural aspects here we come.
They will not be this color at the finish but this will help seal the material so I can add pigment and it stays put. Three days left and i get to see my boys.
I cant wait to show them this place and tell Eli about the large female doe Angie and I watched gracefully trot across the back lawn.
She was beautiful.

Angela is from Oklahoma by way of Texas and makes lovely drawings/paintings. She and I have so much in common and Im looking forward to seeing these drawings finished. She also has a table full of amazing objects with brilliant natural texture that I covet from my studio. :)
before going out on the county road- we are asked to wear these fetching vests so we dont get run over by the locals....fetching neon hat right?!!
these are my fellow residents from left to right: Christina, Lauren, Angela, David, and Roger. We are sharing dinner duties every night which is lovely and wonderfully varied as well.

so the work is flowing and i am liking using the compositions from the actual seeds within the projector.
molds are next so I can make these things had dimension and sound

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So the work is flowing...finally though I probably spent more time in the creek than in the studio yesterday- but its Saturday..right? :) All of my work has so many material layers, so I find myself constantly reminding myself of what is yet to come and then I feel better about my progress. I will post everyday from now on as I feel a nice motivation by this blog and I like the sharing.Talked to my boy eli today too which always helps my motivation. a " hi mama" and I smile all day which makes studio work more fun.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This first week has been productive I think- a few bumps in the road, some naps, but best of all a couple of us discovered a lovely spot in the river to retreat to in the lat e afternoon. Just the right amount of sun and cold water to revive you for dinner and more time in the studio. Ive met some fun people here and we are off to an antique store that the owner of this residency owns down the road- then back to the studio. I am strategically not bringing my wallet. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I literally had no time to pack so I packed everything! lol
Im glad now as I have all of my pieces and parts that I have been able to do over the school year and they can now come together to create a cohesive thought....

These are collections of seeds I've been hoarding for the past few years. Mostly things from our yard that I've put in a flower press though some are squished in the slide as I go. I knew I always wanted to do something to these but....pieces and parts seem to be coming together for this very opportunity of a gift of time.
Ive got some panels up in different configurations that I am interested in and we shall see how they progress from here. Im hoping to be done with these fairly quickly so I can move onto some hanging in the round work.
So this is what I am playing with from the seeds I have collected and placed in each slide. This way Im creating my own arrangement/ composition instead of working directly from my head- whcih I am simply not that kind of artist. I like working from life- my mama taught me that!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Inside/Outside Studio Space. There are 4 studios in this building.
They are huge and absolutely lovely.
Im just getting started/settled but excited by the possibilities that will occur.


Inside/Outside the Residence-
This place is more beautiful than I thought.

Friday, April 22, 2011

When hurricanes would blow through New Orleans, I remember my mother not caring how large it was- we were gone. She packed little though made sure she had us, our animals, and all of our family photographs were placed in a large suitcase that accompanied us north.